Lights! Camera! Homecoming! Meet your cadidates for the 38th Annual Fresno Christian Homecoming. Voted in by their peers, Georgia Karlson, Sarah Guglielmana and Danielle Arndt are this years sophmores princess candinates. We asked a series of questions to get to know them better. The big event will happen Friday, Oct. 27. Princesses introduced at 5:30 p.m. before kickoff at 6. The Royal Pageant will happen during half time to crown this year’s winners. See you there!

Georgia Karlson
Karlson has attended Fresno Christian since 6th grade. Her favorite Bible verse is Galations 6:9, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will read if we do not give up.” Three words to describe Karlson are optimistic, friendly and compassionate.
1. #1 on your bucket list?
Bungee jumping
2. Personal hero?
Taylor Swift or my mom
3. If you could have one high school do over, what would that be?
Freshmen homecoming float

Sarah Guglielmana
Guglielmana has attended Fresno Christian since Freshmen year. #1 thing on her bucket list is to see the northern lights. If she could eat at only one fast food restaurant for life it would be Panda Express.
1. If you were stranded on an island which Disney Character would you hope to have with you? Why?
Aladdin so we can ride away on the carpet (he is also very hot).
2. Where would you like to be in 5 years?
Playing professional volleyball
3. What is the most important quality in a mate?
God first, then family

Danielle Arndt
Arndt has attended FCS since 6th grade. Her personal hero is her dad because they are eachother’s best friends. If she could change her name she would choose Noah Jean.
1. #1 on your bucket list?
Ride in a hot-air balloon over the tulip fields in Amsterdam
2. If you could eat at only 1 fast food restaurant for life…where?
Del Taco because they have tacos and burgers
3. Favorite FC memory?
Kids Day with the Feather because we got to dance on the streets raising money and selling newspapers
To purchase Homecoming photos visit, The Feather Smugmug account. For daily updates about homecoming visit The Feather’s Instagram page. More information on Homecoming visit PROMO: 37th annual homecoming