Lights! Camera! Homecoming! Meet your cadidates for the 38th Annual Fresno Christian Homecoming. Voted in by their peers, Grace Mynderup, Laina Penland and Addyson Adler are this years junior princess candinates. We asked a series of questions to get to know them better. The big event will happen Friday, Oct. 27. Princesses introduced at 5:30 p.m. before kickoff at 6. The Royal Pageant will happen during half time to crown this year’s winners. See you there!

Grace Mynderup:
Mynderup has attended Fresno Christian since Kindergarten. In five years, she would like to still be alive and kickin’. If Mynderup could eat only one fast food restaurant for life, it would be Panera. Her favorite FC memory is cheering at football games.
1. If you were stranded on an island which Disney Character would you hope to have with you? Why?
Tinker Bell because she could tinker me something to get off the island.
2. #1 on your bucket list?
Ride a unicorn through the clouds.
3. If you could change your name – what would you choose?
Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Tnermopolis Renaldo (from the Princess Diaries).

Laina Penland:
Penland has attended Fresno Christian since Freshman year. Her Hollywood crush is Jacob Wagner and her favorite bible verse is Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”
1. Favorite FC memory:
My favorite FC memory was winning 2nd place in the CIF Division 5 finals because I had the honor of being apart of the first FCS cross country team to make it to State Finals.
2. Personal hero:
My Mother because she is the most selfless and loving person I know.
3. What is the most important quality in a mate?
A devout Christian who treats his family, others and me with respect and compassion.

Addyson Adler:
Adler has been attending Fresno Christian since Freshman year. If she could have one high school do over she would get to know more people. Three words to describe her are talkative, caring and driven.
1. What is your favorite decade?
80’s because there are a lot of good movies made then.
2. Name your childhood stuffed animal or blanket.
A stuffed horse names Wassy.
3. How many children would you like to have someday?
Two children – boy and a girl.
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To read more from The Feather visit 2023 Homecoming day one recap or 500th career win for Coach Foshee.