FC Underground, brings the latest campus news to the students of Fresno Christian High School. “FC Underground” first ran in the fall of 1997 and has been hosted by a variety of personalities. This is Week 12 of the 2024-25 school year, Oct. 28 – Nov. 1. Hosted By: Benson Elbert and Ian Palsgaard
- One week until election
- World Series game 3 – Yankees vs. Dodgers
- 1st round of girls volleyball vs. Hoover at 6 pm
- Volleyball playoffs at 6 pm
- Football vs. Turlock Christian at 7 pm
- Cross Country Woodward Park Classic – 12:30 for girls, 1:00 for boys
Happy Halloween! Stay safe and have fun
For more videos visit The Feather Media page
For more FC Underground, Check out FC Underground 2024-25, No. 11