The ongoing stress which accompanies deadlines, competitions and technological developments tends to haze many. However, few refuse to blink as the hurdles continue to increase in size and occurence for the chance at a Pacemaker.
After a year of tweaking and teaching, the Feather staff seems to embody the latter, with another National Edition article for the 11th week in a row.
While the current staff of 36 members cover school events, profiles, opinions and sports, last year’s print staff was recently honored by national scholastic press associations.
Adviser Greg Stobbe believes the process of growth and excellence stems from the experiences earned from previous year’s hard work and dedication. Despite inexperience of half the staff, current seniors Mary Kneefel, editor-in chief, Jenn Sherfield, senior editor and Ryan Martens, layout and design editor, managed to earn a silver medal with a score 916 out of 1000 points from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association of Columbia University, New York City.
The Feather received a second award when Quill and Scroll’s International gave the hard copy a First Place with a score of 903 out of 1000 points. While most of the 2006-07 staff of 23 members were rookies, Kneefel and Sherfield led the Feather to a third consecutive first place finish.
“In the beginning of last year, I did not think we would have made it that far,” Kneefel said. “We only had four returning staff writers and no experienced editors. I credit our success to Stobbe’s guidance and the staff’s ability to adapt to the standard that the 2005/06 Feather staff set for us.”
The final award for print excellence came from National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA). The Feather earned First Place with two marks of distinction.
I have been working on the new website since August and it has been difficult in keeping up with Stobbe’s ideas. There will be a whole host of new features that will barely resemble what The Feather looks like right now. –Andrew Rurik
The NSPA also nominated The Feather Online as a finalist for their highest award, the Pacemaker, in April 2007. Even though The Feather did not place in the top three for the Pacemaker, it was featured among the top nine online newspapers in the country.
“I was really surprised to be in the top nine for the Pacemaker competition,” Sherfield said, “since it was my first year in journalism. I assumed last year would be a year to build the basics. Even though we did not win, I expect this year’s staff, including Mary and myself, to continue to improve and ultimately come out on top.”
This year’s Feather staff includes 18 new students for a total of 36 members.
“Publications is a very challenging class, because it is hard to write a good article and still make the deadlines in order to get a good grade,” Spencer Lee, ’10, said. “However, it’s been a positive experience so far and it is preparing me for college writing.”
In addition to the advent of Claire’s Corner podcast, The Feather plans to introduce a new layout for the online edition on Jan. 15.
“I have been working on the new website since August and it has been difficult in keeping up with Stobbe’s ideas,” junior Andrew Rurik, Webmaster, said. “There will be a whole host of new features that will barely resemble what The Feather looks like right now.”
The new changes are in preparation for the Pacemaker competition, which begins Jan. 15. The NSPA will judge the Feather until March, when they will declare the nine finalists; the winners will be announced at the Spring High School Journalism Convention in Anaheim on April 20.
“After the competition last year, we were able evaluate our site with a more critical eye,” Kneefel said. “We have made several adjustments including remaking our site, podcasts, writing and editing techniques. I feel confident going into the competition, but that will not affect our mindset or the level of excellence we strive for. I believe we will have the opportunity to be named one of the top three online newspapers in the nation.”
Alexandrah Aleman • Jan 16, 2010 at 6:48 am
I can’t believe that my Quenzer brought this to school. My muffin and secret friend posted comments supporting this injustice! You say you love me, yet this happens…I feel betrayed.
Just kidding…I love you guys!
Heather Lichti • Jan 16, 2010 at 6:48 am
Alyssa, thank you soo much for bringing this to school! I love you Alex 🙂
Sydney Carlson • Jan 16, 2010 at 6:48 am
Awwwwww, you’re soooo cute! I love you!
Micaelah Aleman • Jan 16, 2010 at 6:48 am
Alex this is awesome…I totally remember when this was taken. You were so excited!