Despite the recent attacks against the nation, careless use of our military resources is not the answer if we are attempting to efficiently remove the terrorist presence from around the world. Today this country finds itself in the middle of a war that threatens to be long and deadly.
The nation, for one of the first times in history, stands nearly unanimously poised to seek out and remove known terrorists from the globe at whatever the cost.
Now, even more than at the beginning of this struggle, we find our self with no definite target as our only clear enemy has been wounded but not destroyed, and consequently scattered across the world.
We must be on guard against the urge to blindly exercise our sheer military power that has in the past proven so decisive in military combat. We should however put our support behind the use of military intelligence and the reserved, informed use of strategic military firearms to remove known adversaries from the scene and not whole-sale bombing.
History has always had a way of repeating itself and is set to do so once again. At the end of the Second World War our nation used two nuclear weapons to solidify its military power in the world. While we did experience momentary satisfaction, we were destined to years of weapons races and nuclear threats that nearly paralyzed the nation, and threatened to destroy the world.
We established a new and dangerous precedent in those waning years of World War II, and are now poised to create just as dangerous a precedent by establishing large-scale missile raids as the norm for twenty-first century military combat.
The nation naively hopes that the ends will justify the death and suffering experienced by American’s as a whole. This is obviously not a definite truth, as Israel, to this day, finds itself in the midst of a bloody stalemate with neighboring Palestine despite their prolific use of military force.
The stereotypical American response of “more is better” is not the cure-all for this touch and go situation. Massive air raids that cover entire countries and threaten the foundations of countless ethnic groups are not the answer to a problem that is already an elusive threat to the American people.