After months of planning, budgeting and editing, student leadership and video production’s efforts materialized at the 14th annual Night of the Stars (NOTS), March 29.
The chosen theme, Underwater Enchantment, showcased a ceiling arrangement covered in ?bubbles? and ?waves? of fabric. A blue glow, from plastic wall coverings to resemble water, filled the room while students dressed in formal attire took pictures with dates and mingled with friends.
“NOTS is really about having fun with your friends, and the atmosphere was perfect,” Bree Ainley, ’11, said. “It was elegant, but not too strict so you could talk to everyone. That made it a great event.”
The entire leadership class arrived Saturday morning to decorate Cornerstone Church’s conference center. Although they finished in time, complications arose when leadership adviser Josh Tosland and Janae-Keys-Bramlett, ’09, showed up early to make last-minute adjustments.
“I arrived early with my date to light the candles in the centerpieces with Tosland,” Keys-Bramlett said. “We lit around 200 candles, and then heard a sickening crash. Two of the water filled centerpieces had cracked right above the water line.”
Although they rushed to blow out the candles at all 37 tables, Keys-Bramlett and Tosland were unable to salvage the two vases full of water, fish and sand.
“I had to grab the goldfish with my hands and clean up the broken glass,” Keys-Bramlett said. “However, everything was fixed in time, and the event still looked great.”
The entrance to the conference center consisted of a seaweed forest, made out of green construction paper, complete with cardboard fish and paper-mach