Alternative rock band Death Cab for Cutie?s seventh album, Narrow Stairs, varies from many of the band?s other albums, including their last album, Plans, which was released in early 2005.
Although more upbeat than typical Death Cab for Cutie tracks, the new release features faster and more depressing lyrics, producing a rock sound unlike their other albums. However, this difference does not create a glaring flaw in the album; instead, it introduces a variety of song tempos and moods. While some sad songs can enhance an album, Narrow Stairs has too few uplifting songs to maintain balance.
Although the balance of moods is off, lead singer Ben Gibbard?s spellbinding voice eclipses the lackluster lyrics and differs from the mundane sound of normal rock bands.
In the track ?I Will Possess Your Heart?, the vocalist attempts to win the affection of the girl who keeps rejecting him. With lyrics such as ?I won?t let you/ let me down so easily so easily/ You gotta spend some time, love/ you gotta spend some time with me? and “I Will Possess Your Heart”, this song, intended to be heart-felt, imparts a rather creepy connotation. Downcast lyrics notwithstanding, the song remains upbeat and catchy, featuring a thick bass rhythm complemented by electric guitar and keyboards. Most of the other tracks incorporate these elements to negate the melancholy lines.
While ?I Will Possess Your Heart? fell short because of poor writing, the track ?Cath?? stands above the rest. The lyrics for the song actually sound like a normal rock song and lack the despondency of the other tracks.
Most of the album’s tracks feature decent instrumentals with overdriven guitars and gritty bass melodies, giving the music more of a rock sound.
Narrow Stairs, with insufficient positive songs to compensate for their dispirited counterparts, lacks balance. Despite the lyrical disadvantages, the album employs solid instrumentals and vocals, rendering it worth listening to.