I entirely agree with Brittany’s comment, especially the last paragraph [New lunch vendors serve ‘healthier’ fare, by Hannah Joseph, Aug. 29]. In my five years at Fresno Christian, I never bought more from Jean’s truck than a muffin or Arizona iced tea, and never more than once every couple of weeks, yet Jean still knew me as though I had been the first in line every day.
When I cut my hair, Jean’s reaction was just as big as my friends who spent hours with me every day. He was an amazing person.
I also think Courtney makes a very good point about how if, like me, you only wanted a muffin, you could get it from Jean. I’m sure if the administration decided to sell snacks and drinks by themselves, as well as whole meals, students would be less upset.
Now, I am not saying at all that Jean’s food was healthy. One look at one of those delicious chicken quesadillas, and you could almost see the unhealthiness dripping off of it.
I really am glad to hear there is now healthy food being served, and I think it was a very good idea for healthy options to be introduced. But the removal of Jean’s truck has corrupted this idea. Students who forget their lunches or do not want to bring them are not faced with a healthy option. They are faced with one option.
Rainey Hayes • May 17, 2010 at 6:59 am
Hannah, I am constantly amazed by your talent. I love all your pictures and one of them is even my background… Keep it up!
Sarah Schoneman • May 17, 2010 at 6:59 am
Wow, Hannah… I’m amazed by the quality of the pictures you take. You really have a great talent!