Everyone is talking about the “mysterious friend” mentioned in Hannah Joseph’s Jan. 27 article, “‘Freaky’ dance contradicts Christan principles”.
Accusing Hannah of “judging” her friend is the most irrelevant thing you could do. The article’s point has nothing to do with being judgmental. It doesn’t matter how she goes about it, it’s HER opinion.
If she lost all respect, a little respect, no respect, .3 ounces of respect, for whoever this person maybe, guess what? It’s not you’re place to call her out on the decisions she makes when it comes to her friends. In fact you’re judging her by saying she’s out of line for feeling that way.
Also, it doesn’t matter who this guy is, the name is NOT mentioned and there are no specifics or details whatsoever. Those who say this is a rude and crude way of “singling out” someone have no right to make such a claim. Single out? To single out is to specifically point out a certain individual.
The article makes not a single reference to any specific person other then the word “him.” It doesn’t matter how small our school is or how fast rumors spread. Fact is, they’re RUMORS. Hannah mentioned no names in her article, and by making assumptions you’re not being fair to her by spreading even more rumors about her “attacking” this guy.
As for the real issue, dancing. I’m still a little lost by the fact that people are defending freak dancing. Come on people, think about it. You were given the gift of discernment between right and wrong from God. Use it, and I think you’ll feel differently.
There’s a reason they don’t allow it at school. The writer to the Romans in chapter 12 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”…..now really, does freak dancing sound like a spiritual act of worship with your body?
And to those who come up with things to justify their actions…”I don’t think sexual thoughts,” or “You think this is bad? and “You should see public school dances,” whatever it may be that you come up with. It’s still exploiting your body, and causing others around you to stumble as well. Again, this is to those who DEFEND freak dancing specifically.
Sure you can use the fact that this isn’t a school function. Yes, that?s true. You have a disclaimer and everything. But this isn’t some random dance that happened to be after NOTS. For liability purposes? sure. But in all honesty? It was put on purely by FCS students with parental aid. Now shouldn’t the dance reflect Christian moral considering the people it?s put on by?
In response to another comment? the fact that Hannah admitted to being tempted to join in on the dancing just so she wouldn?t feel like an outcast is NOT contradicting the message she?s conveying. She?s openly admitting the temptation behind it, and showing that it does take a conscious effort to resist such an activity. Openly admitting that it is not easy to resist what she thinks is sinful is not contradictory by any means at all. In fact it?s natural to feel that way.
I am just as sinful as the next person. And I am no better then the rest of everyone in the entire world. I?m just defending the side that I believe to be true. Great job Hannah, you’ve effectively said what’s needed to be said for a long time now.