UPDATE: The winter guard team placed third at the San Joaquin Valley Color Guard and Percussion Review at Buchanan High School, Feb. 13. The group scored 59 points out of 100.
The team competed in the Regional A-Class Gold division at this event. At previous competitions, the team vied for the title of first place with schools in the Regional A-Class Silver division.
The guard lost to teams from Hoover High School, which took first, and to Clovis East High School, which placed second.
According to coach Lacey Miranda, the team would have placed first if they remained in the Silver division for the show at Buchanan.
“I am so proud of the girls,” Miranda said. “They did so well in the competition. They moved up a class and they still did a phenomenal job. I hope they do even better in the next competition on Feb. 27.”
For more information on the event and a breakdown of competitor scores, visit the competition Web site.
After placing first in the opening competition, the winter guard team anticipates the upcoming San Joaquin Valley Color Guard and Percussion Review at Buchanan High School, Feb. 13.
In preparation for the show, winter guard members work to extend the length of their routine and increase its difficulty. Coach Lacey Miranda added more tosses and augmented the baton twirling of sophomore Jessica Massie and freshman Lizzie Williams.
“I was so happy when Lacey [Miranda] told us that there would be baton in the show,” Massie said. “I have been doing baton for many years and I love guard. It is really cool that I get to combine two things that I really love.”
While Massie and Williams practice their baton skills, the other members of winter guard work to master their new flag and rifle routines. Although she is incorporating several new tricks into the guard’s repertoire, Miranda expects the members to learn quickly before the competition.
“I am teaching them a lot of new stuff,” Miranda said. “I know they can do it because I have seen the kind of stuff these girls are capable of. I do have high expectations, but I know they will rise to the occasion.”
The winter guard team is scheduled to perform at 6 p.m.
For past coverage of winter guard competitions, visit the Feb. 4 article, Winter guard places first in silver class. For more information, e-mail Lacey Miranda.