Superbowl halftime misshaps. Proposition 8. Inappropriate dancing at a high school formal. The ensuing controversies attached to these illustrations introduced negative connotations and ranked them as ‘touchy’ or ‘hot button’ subjects.
However, disagreements such as these are often beneficial, as they encourage those involved to think critically, consider alternative views and assess their own opinions.
While disputes ? moral or political ? may maintain poor reputations, the phrase “all publicity is good publicity” is often professed by celebrities. This motto may not redeem a football player arrested for DUI, but the resulting controversy can raise important questions about drunk driving and the standards held for public figures.
Although a critical observation often elicits backlash from those involved in the controversy, deeper analysis of the issue may convince them that the observer was in the right.
In Hannah Joseph’s column, ‘Freaky’ dance contradicts Christian principles, she made disparaging comments about suggestive dancing after winter formal. While the article garnered many comments from upset and offended students, the piece was valuable because it sparked heated discussions inescapable in every classroom.
Most students maintained their original stance after reading the column, but a few were forced to reconsider their position after understanding the situation through Joseph’s eyes. Therein lies the benefit of discussion, regardless of how seemingly ugly such arguments become.
Beyond moral issues, controversial works can add to the success of writers and entertainers. While literary critics may condemn vampire romance novels, their disapproval can generate increased interest due to disagreement between supporters and naysayers ? skyrocketing the book up the bestsellers’ list.
Even if someone does not adjust an opinion through the course of a controversy, the process causes one to assess his or her stance. This self-evaluation should remove the negative connotations surrounding controversy, as it benefits advocates and dissenters alike.
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