The wild jungles of junior high can be treacherous ground for young girls. Sister2Sister gives the peer counseling class the opportunity to befriend junior high girls as confidants and mentors.
Since 2004, the junior and senior girl peer counseling class has conducted the program. Each class member is partnered with a junior high girl who has signed up to venture off campus once every two weeks with their “big sister” for lunch.
Academic adviser Molly Sargent first began the Sister2Sister program to give the older girls a chance at leadership.
“The school wanted to design a class where leadership skills could be fostered in girls, away from the distraction of boys,” Sargent said. “A major part of the Sister2sister program is sharing experiences with the other sisters that might not be appropriate with boys present.”
Natalie Douty, the current peer counseling adviser, says this program is beneficial to the “little sisters.”
“The little sisters have people to look up to and have older girls to show them how to grow into strong Christian teenagers,” Douty said.
Although her first year in peer counseling has been a good experience thus far, Jessica Wagenmen, ’11, shares her concerns with befriending a younger girl.
“I am excited but also nervous about the drama they may have,” Wagenmen said. “I hope that I will get along with my sister also. This is the first time I have ever done this, so I hope it goes well.”
As the class is open to juniors and seniors, some participants have been involved for two years.
“I have enjoyed being in the sister-to-sister program the past two years,” Melissa O’Leary, ’10, said. “I feel it’s a big responsibility, but one that is worth the effort. It is nice to have someone looking up to you. They can keep you accountable for your decisions.”
Many junior high girls say Sister2Sister is a time to prepare themselves for the upcoming stress and decisions that are made in high school.
“I get to look forward to high school now,” eighth grader Rayna Endicott said. “I know more of what to expect when I get there and how to respond to the challenges that I will face. I am not really nervous about doing it this years since I did it last year. I really like my sister because she is very nice, and we get along.”
For more information, e-mail Douty or read the Nov. 12, 2008 article, Sister2Sister encourages junior high, peer counseling interaction.
Bree Ainley • Jan 28, 2011 at 12:02 am
Hahaha! This picture cracks me up! I seriously look crazy! However, I am SO HAPPY that our class chose Christmas as our theme, its going to be awesome!