This letter to the editor is in response to Sydney Ray’s Nov. 2 article, Sessions with Sydney: Do actions really speak louder than words?
Dear editor:
Here is a quote from Sydney’s article: “If I was judged from every action or sin I have ever committed, I would be condemned.”
There is no “would be” when it comes to condemnation. You and I and every human on this earth ARE condemned. We are 100% sinful beings who are saved by the grace of God and ONLY the grace of God. Condemnation is not something you can choose to avoid.
You know…the terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Centers on 9/11 were acting upon what they thought were good intentions.
From what they’ve been taught, ridding the world of more Americans is the most honorable thing you can die doing. So they think they’re making the world a better place. If they’re under the impression that they’re making the world a better place, wouldn’t that make their intentions good intentions? So 9/11 was totally acceptable, right?
Tyler Duerr