This is the first installment of a two-part story detailing Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims and her role in the community. For the second installment, read Opportunity, hardship come and go for Sheriff Mims

The notion of a sheriff often conjures up mental images of black and white TV programs such as the “Andy Griffith Show,” or the old westerns like “Bonanza.” In these story lines, the sheriffs solve all the problems in the small towns and catch the robbers trying to steal money from the banks.
In reality the modern-day sheriffs and the ones from the movies are actually quite similar. They still control the jails and strive to keep the city safe; however, they do so from a squad car or an office — not from the back of a horse.
Sheriff Margaret Mims overcame the challenge of working as a woman in the field of law enforcement to become the first female sheriff, elected in Fresno County in 2007. She says the position only became a possibility after many years of determination and hard work.
This writer recently had the privilege of spending some time with Sheriff Mims and getting to see what types of challenges she faces each day as well as experience her work environment. Her career life and the steps she had to take to get to where she is today is recounted in a two-part series.
Sheriff Mims began her career as the first female police officer for the City of Kerman in 1980. From there she progressed in rank to deputy sheriff for Fresno County in 1983, a sergeant field supervisor for patrol units, a lieutenant in 1998, a captain in 2004 as well as an assistant sheriff in 2004.
“I started in this business 30 years ago this month,” Mims said. “And as I’ve moved up the ranks, the challenges have diminished. It was much more difficult when I was first starting out. When a man starts in this profession everyone assumes he can do the job; when a woman starts in this profession everyone assumes she can’t.”
These doubts soon faded as Mims proved herself to be capable of performing her duties. She says she never let prejudice keep her from achieving her goals.
“I think that once you’re established as being competent, and once you prove yourself and you take advantage of your training, those doubts go away,” Mims said. “Everything I’ve done in law enforcement I’ve had to fight for and be sure about myself and my abilities.”
Although the discrimination has diminished, Sheriff Mims still faces many challenges on a daily bases.
“The greatest challenges each day are personnel issues and budget issues. I don’t think that is unique to law enforcement,” Mims said. “Pretty much any big business is going to deal with those main issues as well. Media [coverage] is also a challenge, having to come out and silence rumors and also being very truthful when they’re right.”
According to Mike Lancaster, Area 2 Lieutenant of the Patrol Bureau, Sheriff Mims has strong leadership abilities that are commended by her staff.
“One thing I admire about the sheriff is that she has always had a lot of faith in her workers, which she has carried out throughout the whole department as she’s moved up in rank,” Lancaster said. “She is a good leader and role model and I admire her ability to maintain composure and calmness when she’s being ridiculed by critics.”
Sheriff Mims entered the field of law enforcement primarily due to her father’s influence.
“I grew up as the daughter of the town constable, very different than the way things are now. People would come to our house to report crimes. I grew up watching my father problem solve. His influence on me in law enforcement helped me to understand that we’re all small communities.”
Although Sheriff Mims grew up in a small town on the outskirts of Fresno, she approaches her work here with the same mindset.
“Fresno County may be big, but it’s made up of all small communities,” Mims said. “What people want their law enforcement to do is help them solve problems no matter how little and to understand that the theft of a bicycle to someone is just as important as someone whose house has been burglarized.”
In order to accomplish her goals in office, Sheriff Mims relies not only on herself, but also on her team of deputies and sergeants to help keep Fresno safe.
“The main priority is to keep Fresno County as safe as I can with the budget I’m given,” Mims said. “Public service is my favorite part about the job. When times are good and there’s plenty of money, it’s easy. When things get difficult, then you really have to understand what’s important.”
Check back soon for the second installment of this story.