The final installment of the 2010 annual West Sequoia League (WSL) talent show will be held in Ground Zero, Feb. 25. The competition has continued for over three weeks with contestants traveling to various league high schools, but the winners will be announced during the upcoming performance.
Three campus students will compete with schools such as Fowler, Caruthers, Mendota, Tranquillity, Dos Palos and Firebaugh. Seventh and eighth period classes will be canceled; all campus students will attend the final competition from 1:30-3 p.m.
Although the performances are usually viewed as fun and interesting, leadership adviser Rob Foshee says the talent show has benefits beyond entertainment.
“The talent show encourages our students to practice their talents in front of other audiences,” Foshee said. “God has blessed them with these gifts and now they can show other schools what they are blessed with.”
The campus students competing are seniors Amanda Edwards and Chelsea Wathen, who are both performing dance routines. Senior Nick Methgen will also be singing.
Wathen, who has taken dance classes and performed since a young age, feels the competition offers her a chance to express her own twist on a popular dance type-tap.
“I am very excited about being in the talent show,” Wathen said. “Most people think of tap dancing as a specific style, but my style is something they have never seen before. It will be interesting to see how the crowd reacts.”
The talent shows also offers a last hurrah for departing seniors to display their skills.
“Since I will be graduating, I thought it would be a great idea to audition for the talent show,” Methgen said. “Participating in the talent show is also fun. You get to meet new people and it’s an awesome experience.
For more information on the talent show, e-mail Foshee. Also, stay tuned for a follow-up article on the event.
Dawn Hutchins • Jan 29, 2011 at 12:02 am
How wonderful to see these young men lead by example: praying and beseeching the Lord. Your actions speak much louder than any words could ever express. Thank you for blessing my heart!