For an opposing view on this issue visit the April 7 article, “Health care bill: a step in the right direction.”
On March 21, the House of Representatives passed a health care bill amending the Senate version that was passed a few months ago. While this variance of the bill fixes and removes some of the more controversial provisions, it expands them in some places.
However, just because little public option exists in the bill does not mean that everything included is beneficial for American citizens. In fact, most of it, in my opinion, is harmful.
Under the widespread mess of rapid expansion of the bureaucracy that this bill will enact, there are a few key elements that I will highlight here.
First, the bill eliminates the right of the insurance companies to deny those with pre-existing conditions, meaning that those who could not purchase health care because of health problems can now buy it.
However, the bill failed to place any price caps on this provision, so companies now have to take those with pre-existing conditions, but can charge whatever they see fit. And, let’s face it: if people think that insurance for average health people is expensive, just wait.
Another major provision in the bill is that it is now mandatory for anyone without insurance to buy it. This would include those with pre-existing conditions that are now “fortunate” enough to be able to buy hugely overpriced plans.
Those who still do not buy insurance will face a new “tax” which, for the sake of being realistic, we can call a fine. This is the first time that the federal government has ever mandated that private civilians purchase a product on the private market from a private company. The notion in and of itself is both terrifying and completely unconstitutional.
Many may think, Why then are private citizens mandated to buy automobile insurance? The answer is simply that that is mandated on a state to state basis, not by the federal government.
The basis of the great health care debate boils down to one question: Is health care a right for every citizen? I believe the answer is no.
How can a right for one person cause the infringement of that right for another? It is questions such as these that we must consider as our country moves forward with this bill.
For more information, check out the March 21 Los Angeles Times article and video, Historic health care bill passes.
Ashley Scott • Feb 21, 2011 at 12:02 am
So cute!
You guys have played a good season; we are all so proud 🙂