After a long season full of practices and shows, the winter guard team ended their season with the championship show hosted by Clovis North High School, which featured performances by Hanford, Arroyo Grande, Saratoga, Clovis High, Golden West and Buchanan, March 26.
They placed fourth out of seven with a score of 78.2 out of 100 points. The first place trophy went to Golden West High School, who had a show based off of the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland. They walked away with a total of 84.1 points, only 5.9 points ahead of FC.
Throughout the season, the team had many ups and downs. They had shows that did not go as planned with multiple drops, while also having shows that were nearly perfect. Captain Jessica Massie, ’11, says that although the season was not perfect, it was one to remember.
“This season was definitely one to remember forever,” Massie said. “No season is ever a perfect season, but this one came pretty close. We had some amazing shows and we had a not-so-amazing show. However, after every show, we worked even harder to improve what the judges asked us to.”
Massie also claims that the increased unity and strength of her team helped cause a successful season.
“Everyone really bonded this year,” Massie said. “We had long weekend practices and everyone would sit together for lunch, laughing and having an awesome time. I think this year, more than some others, the group really got along well and had a great time together. I cannot wait until next year to enjoy another wonderful season.”
Although the official season is over, the team still has an annual end-of-the-year show to perform for parents and friends who were unable to come to previous shows. The time and date of the show will be announced at a later date.
For this performance, the squad splits into groups and writes their own shows, which consists of creating their own routine and choreography. Also, the group plans to surprise the audience with a few brand new group performances. They will be judged on their general effect and their equipment usage by special guest judges. At the end of the night, the guest judges will present awards to the best group performance.
The team will soon be selling tickets for this event for $7 per ticket. There will be refreshments and snacks available for after the show. For more information on this upcoming performance, e-mail coach Lacey Miranda.
For more information on the team’s most previous performance, check out the March 26 article, Winter guard faces championship performance.