Throughout the school year, the video productions class has produced a wide range of movies to present at the Slick Rock Student Film Festival on May 22.
Slick Rock is a film competition for students in the San Joaquin Valley, aiming “to establish an academic rich environment that promotes creativity, intellectual skill, and discipline,” according to the organization’s Web site.
Movies will be judged and honored according to one of eight categories: advertisement, public service announcement, documentary, music video, animation, 5-minute comedy blockbuster, 5-minute action/drama blockbuster and foreign film.
The video productions class submitted 12 videos and nine were selected to content for awards at the event.
“I expect that we will have most of our movies in the top four for each category,” video productions adviser Scott Callisch said. “The only thing that could make it hard for us is that we have three comedies, so I think that our chances are slim because sometimes they like to have a variety of schools represented.”
Although the video students are competing against each other within the categories, Callisch predicts at least one award-winner from the submissions.
“Our movies are just as good as anyone else’s, so I expect we will win at least one,” Callisch said. “I think [freshman] Jordan Boudreau’s movie, ‘Jack Danger,’ will win because it is so unique due to being all done in shadow. I’ve never seen a movie like that before.”
Along with Boudreau’s movie, Callisch said he thinks there will be a few other winners such as “Shall We Dance,” “Freshman Whisperer” and “Blind Date,” among others.
To see some of the submitted films, check out The Feather’s video section; at the bottom of the page scroll to find the movies.
For more information, e-mail Callisch or read the March 18 article, Video productions promotes cinematic creativity.