For their annual holiday performance, vocal and instrumental ensembles will present “Round the Table Carol Sing” for students and faculty in the FC Gym, beginning at 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 15.
Admission for this Christmas program is free, but tickets for preferred seating are available. The tables will be decorated for the season; cider and cookies will be served to attendees.
“The evening is a chance for all of us to sing and perform for others,” Morgan Childs, ’12, said. “This is what we love to do. My favorite song is ‘Welcome the Child of Light’ because it sounds pretty and the words completely describe what Christmas is really about.”
Music director Michael Ogdon said he embraces this time of year because of the spiritual and festive theme, but also recognizes it is a crunch time for the students as they prepare for this program and finals at the same time.
“Students are feeling a tremendous amount of pressure, but are putting in a great deal of effort working on their parts,” Ogdon said. “My students from both the choir and band will be showcasing some really great music in the concert.”
While playing in both the jazz band and concert band, alto sax player Jacob Balderas, ’11, is excited to play in the Christmas concert.
“We’ve only performed once so far this year, so it will be great to perform again,” Balderas said. “It will be interesting because, while we only have a trio in the woodwind section, I think we have done a great job stylizing the music. Mr. Ogdon arranged a compilation of Christmas songs called ‘Wooden Christmas,’ and I am excited to play that song.”
As there will be many recognizable songs performed, Ogdon believes this concert is an event where people can relax and enjoy the music.
“We will have a broad range of styles of music,” Ogdon said. “Everyone who comes will find a song or melody they like. There is something in it for everyone.”
According to Ogdon, this program is a major part of the music curriculum.
“This is the biggest, most important event of the year, in my eyes,” Ogdon said. “It is a spectacular event that everyone enjoys. Our people are taking this seriously. We plan on presenting a very special concert.”
For more information, e-mail Ogdon. For more coverage of music groups, read the Nov. 10 article, Freshman vocalist pursues musical mastery.