High school students have the opportunity to customize their copy of The Shield yearbook. Those who wish to take action should consult a handout from yearbook adviser Bessalee Mendoza for detailed information and prices.
According to the packet, which was distributed in English classes on Jan. 13, students “may choose up to two lines of personalization and up to four icons to represent themselves and their year at Fresno Christian.” Other customizations, such as a protective cover, are also available.
The handout consists of two pages, one of which needs to be filled out. The form must be submitted to Mendoza in Room 602 by Jan. 24.
In accordance with tradition, parents of seniors may submit to the yearbook a picture of their son or daughter as a baby or toddler. Specifications for these submissions and their costs are provided in the handout.
The photo and its accompanying fee should be mailed to Fresno Christian Schools or given to Mendoza by Feb. 15.
Submissions may be mailed to Fresno Christian High School, Attn: Yearbook, 7280 N. Cedar Ave., Fresno, CA 93720.
For more information, e-mail Mendoza or leave her a voice message at 559.299.1695, ext. 169.