Since the announcement of Prince William of England’s engagement to Catherine Middleton, Nov. 16, 2009, the couple, now titled the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, has been at the forefront of media. This publicity came to its peak during the Royal Wedding, when an estimated two billion people watched, April 29.
Rather than just remaining a topic of interest in England, the wedding has become a global sensation. The media coverage has stretched from Essex, England, where Portsmouth University first year Hannah Mortlock celebrated the wedding with a street party, to Fresno, CA, where junior Julianne King watched the marriage on TV at 3 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST).
With two differing perspectives on the big event, Mortlock and King share their take on the wedding.
An English viewpoint: Hannah Mortlock
Hierholzer: With the wedding getting so much attention, how does it feel to be from England where the action is?
Mortlock: I’ve always felt that the English themselves are especially patriotic. I live in a very small village in the county of Essex and I’m also a farmer’s daughter. I’ve always grown up in the countryside in a very “English” location. The Royal Wedding has just assured this sense of patriotism, it is all quite exciting but I think a lot of people are more excited about having a day off from school and work! I’ve seen a lot of posters and flags and the news coverage is almost constant.
Hierholzer: Has the wedding been a popular topic in England?
Mortlock: Yes it has, but I’d say more in the media than in the public. Obviously, people have been talking about it, but without so much media attention I’m not sure it’d be so popular.
Hierholzer: Do you think that the wedding is getting a lot of attention in America?
Mortlock: I’m not sure if it’s getting more attention in America or not because, obviously, I live here. But I think it’s more of a buzz over there. It has been commercialised a lot here and high street shops have played on it for sales but the few American’s I have on Facebook have been talking about it a lot. Some of which have been posting photos of themselves with Kate and Wills plates, fake engagement rings and other items!
Hierholzer: Why do you think that people in America are giving the wedding attention?
Mortlock I think it’s so popular in the U.S. because they don’t have a monarchy of their own so it’s a novelty. The president is already married so there’s nothing even like the Royal Wedding in the pipelines. Also, I’ve always got the impression that America people are more enthusiastic than the English in general!
Hierholzer: Why do you think this is such a big event?
Mortlock: Obviously, with the Queen’s grandson, and moreover the heir to the throne, the wedding is going to be a big deal. The fact they are a young, attractive couple has some bearing; if Will was 40 then I’m sure there wouldn’t be so much excitement. I do believe that they are in love and it’s lovely how she is relatively “normal,” as they met just like a normal couple at university.
An American viewpoint: Julianne King
Hierholzer: Did you watch William and Catherine’s wedding?
King: Yes I did. My sister [Kaitlyn, ’14] and I have been following the media and we planned on recording the event and waking up a little later to watch. It was nice to fast forward through some of the boring interviews and catch the highlights instead.
Hierholzer: Did you stay up all night for it?
King: I went to bed around 9:30 p.m. and woke up at 3 a.m. For me, it was definitely worth it. This is a once in a lifetime event, and even if it isn?t that important, it is fun to get up and celebrate along with two billion people.
Hierholzer: What was the best part?
King: Kate?s dress. I know most of the hype circled around this unanswered question, but you can?t help but wonder what this new fashion icon was going to wear. [Princess] Diana left behind a huge model to follow and it was interesting to see how people compare Kate with her. [Kate’s dress] was very flattering and elegant; perfect for a new princess. She wasn?t too overdone and her makeup and hair complemented the dress. The whole effect gave an air of innocence, yet she still looked regal.
Hierholzer: What do you like about William and Catherine?
King: I like William and Kate simply because they are a normal couple … besides the fact that William is a prince. They met at college and had a relationship without any required meetings or scheduled outings. Everything was laid back, just like any other college relationship would be. Plus, those two are completely adorable.
Hierholzer: Do you think that William made a good choice in Catherine?
King: From the looks of it, William seems to have made a good choice. Considering Kate isn’t royalty, she seems to be upholding herself in a manner respectable enough to be accepted as future royalty.
Hierholzer: Have you been following all of the media about it?
King: I actually haven’t been following the media that much. I paid general attention to the basics, but really became interested when they started premiering these shows on the engagement and possible plans of the wedding.
Hierholzer: Do you think that people in America are giving the wedding attention because we don’t have a Royal Family?
King: I assume it receives so much interest because we don’t have a Royal Family. The attention paid to little rituals and rules with the Royal Wedding are not the types of things we use here. The clothing, food and styles are different from the ones we serve here in America.
Hierholzer: What effect do you think the Royal Wedding has on our culture?
King: I feel like in today’s cultures, we never see such cute, young couples serious about their marriages, especially if they happen to be celebrities. With William and Kate, you see such a positive relationship with a happy couple that looks like it could last despite the pressure of the public and the presence they must maintain.
For more articles on current events, read the May 2 article, Bin Laden death brings closure, unifies nation.
*Editor’s note: These photos by Paul Simpson (Flickr user is used in accordance with its Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.