This installment is the fifth in the “Get to Know” series, a feature which aims to help students learn more about their classmates. A new installment will be posted every other Thursday.
In this edition of “Get to Know,” staff writer Emily Shakeshaft, ’14, interviews sophomore Jenna Orcutt, a transfer from University High School.
Shakeshaft: Why did you come to FC?
Orcutt: I was looking for a school where I could get a great education but have fun and learn about God in the process.
Shakeshaft: What sports do you do? Why?
Orcutt: I like lots of sports, but tennis is my main sport. It is fun and I just love playing it!
Shakeshaft: What is your biggest fear?
Orcutt: I am extremely afraid of flying bugs, mainly bees and other large bugs.
Shakeshaft: What nicknames have you had?
Orcutt: In second grade, I went by Jenny, but then it went back to Jenna. My family calls me Jen or Jenjen.
Shakeshaft: What is your best personality trait?
Orcutt: I am quiet but I care deeply about people.
Shakeshaft: Do you prefer dogs or cats?
Orcutt: Tough one! I love them both. Dogs are great, but cats have their adorable moments, also!
Shakeshaft: Do you think cheerleading is a sport?
Orcutt: I think so: They exercise, practice and compete just like other sports do.
Shakeshaft: What is your favorite food?
Orcutt: Anything Italian, because pasta, tomato sauce and bread are awesome!
Shakeshaft: What is the meaning of life?
Orcutt: To spread the word of the Lord with as many people that is humanly possible so we can all spend the better part of our lives with him.
Check back on March 31 to learn more about art and home economics Sharon Scharf. For the previous installment, read the March 3 article, Get to Know: Matthew Jenkins.