This is a bi-monthy feature that will cover the varying high school youth groups of the students within FC. Contributing to this year’s theme, “We Are One,” this series will attempt to inform, highlight and encourage each group’s diverse system of ministry as well as provide information for those seeking ties to a congregation.
NorthPointe Community Church
-Youth group name: The Wherehouse
-Address: 4625 W. Palo Alto Ave, 93722
-Meets: Sunday mornings at 11:15 a.m.
-Number of students registered: 120-150
-Regular attendants from FC: Kyle Hudecek, ’14, Nick Fontes, ’15, Zach Smith, ’15
-Pastor of student ministries: Kevin Manning
-Annual events: Summer houseboat trip; Mexico, Kenya and Africa trips; other local service opportunities
-Mission statement: ?Creating a positive faith environment where non-churchgoers are encouraged to become fully-developed followers of Jesus Christ at every stage of life.?
Background and itinerary
Affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, NorthPointe Community Church was established in 2006 with the goal to reach unchurched peoples.
An average youth Sunday worship service consists of five to six songs and a message lasting around 35 minutes. In addition, the youth group meets mid-way through the week.
According to Manning, a main advantage of the NorthPointe student ministries is the diversity of attendees, which contributes to the overall strength of the group.
“I think we are a well-rounded group,” Manning said. “We have lots of non-Christians, new believers and some really solid students too. We try to be very welcoming to all students.”
In regards to the ambience, Manning expresses his belief that the students blend together to create a unique mix, while simultaneously maintaining a sense of balance.
“We have a relaxed atmosphere,” Manning said. “It’s loud, fun and serious. We have a bit of everything.”
Adding to the qualities of NorthPointe are their events and worship team. As leaders plan events, they focus on quality rather than quantity, holding themselves to a high standard.
“We do not have a busy calendar,” Manning said. “We try to do a few things very well and not a lot of things not so good. Also, we have an incredible band that includes both junior high and high school students on a weekly basis.”
A word from the students
Long-time attendee Smith finds the leadership at NorthPointe to be a strong aspect that has personally allowed him to grow.
“They [the youth leaders] can relate to us; they have been going to NorthPointe too for a long time,” Smith said. “They have been through everything, are only twenty or thirty and they have just come out of what we are going through in high school.”
Though Hudecek’s schedule keeps him from taking part in the Sunday services, he seeks Biblical instruction in adult classes on Saturdays. He finds the experiences of the speakers to be relatable and encouraging.
“Well I go to the adult sections instead of the youth group,” Hudecek said. “What makes it unique is that the pastors have been through hardships and they have been through good times too so they know what they are talking about when they preach and they really relate it to what we are going through.”
After merely a year at the church, Fontes has assimilated easily into the group and continues to notice improvement in his spiritual life.
“It’s been really easy to adjust because the people who are there, God has blessed so much with the gift of teaching,” Fontes said. “They get everyone involved and I feel like God is working in their lives to help me become a better Christian.”
For the previous installment, read the Oct. 26 article, Mature outlook defines The Refuge.