Everyone has been in that situation when your mom doesn’t feel like making dinner, and it seems like there is nothing in the pantry. Everyone is hungry, and frustration is growing.
Hunger makes your stomach rumble, so you hurry to the refrigerator to look for food. All you can find is your mom’s diet food and the fish your dad caught last week.
To some, the idea of frying fish seems complicated, but it is really quite simple.
1 cup of flower
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 a cup of olive oil or peanut oil
Desired number of fish fillets
Other optional spices: cajun, lemon juice, rosemary, basil
Step 1: Fill a gallon-sized Ziploc with the dry ingredients and shake it up to mix up all the spices evenly so the fish taste good delicious.
Step 2: Take a medium size frying pan and pour in the oil. Heat to 350 degrees.
Step 3: Place the desired number of fish filets inside the bag and shake to coat the fish with the seasonings while the oil is heating.
Step 4: Take out one filet and place it in the hot oil. Don’t flip the fish until the edges turn crispy brown.
Step 5: After you are done cooking the fish, boil rice stir-fried vegetables or cut up some fruit as a side for the meal.
Step 6: Enjoy with apple slices on the side.
1. Make sure to watch the fish as it cooks, since it is very easy to get distracted, and let it burn.
2. Don’t be afraid to experiment with other spices to customize the fish and make it a unique recipe.
If you give this recipe a shot, you will see that giving your mom a break from cooking dinner can still be a success, even with something as simple as frying fish.
For more How to recipes, read the Feb. 11 article, How To: Prepare deep-fried tofu.