Dear editor,
Anyone who loves plays or Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” would love the traveling Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast. It started Nov. 19 and went through the 24 at the Saroyan Theater in Fresno.
I saw the play on Nov. 20; it was amazing! The only other Broadway play I have seen is the Lion King in Hollywood (which was also incredible), and I would have to say I think Beauty and the Beast is even better.
The play follows the movie almost exactly with the exception of songs that were added for a Broadway touch. The actors were superb and perfect for the characters.
My personal favorite was Lumiere, played by Rob Lorey. Lumiere, who was under the spell of the castle, is turned into a candlestick. He was excellent and captivated the audience.
The costumes for the play were exquisite. They had everything from Belle’s everyday blue dress to dinnerware to even a dancing welcome rug! The scenes and the props added to this play in a tremendous way.
The props, effects and scenery ranged from old rags hanging in the Beast’s castle to people suspended in the air. One scene made it look like it was raining while another had “smoke” on the ground for a most eerie effect.
My favorite scene was the “Be Our Guest” number in which Lumiere and the dinnerware sang to Belle. The big finale for that scene was when they rolled out huge champagne bottles and sparks fly out. It was awesome!
Basically, superb acting, brilliant costumes and props are well worth the $48.50 price of admission to Beauty and the Beast.