Often times, The Feather likes to honor former FC students by making it known what they have done since their graduation. This time, it is FC alumnus Trevor York’s time to be honored.
York graduated with the senior class of 2012 as a respected student, avid baseball player and all around campus leader. He is now a junior in college and currently attending Whitworth University.
This past summer, York traveled to Washington D.C., to serve as an intern for California’s 22nd Congressional District Representative, Devin Nunes. York stated why he decided to go work for Congressman Nunes.
“Politics were something that just always interested me,” York said. “I figured that the best way for me to learn about it and see if it was the right career choice for me was to experience it. So I applied, luckily I got accepted, and I took the opportunity because it seemed like something I would like and something that I could learn from.”
Serving under Nunes required York to temporarily move to Washington D.C.. He lived there two and a half months, during which he lived in provided intern student housing.
Not just anyone can go serve as an intern in our nation’s Capitol. York explained how he came across the opportunity to do something so exclusive.
“A family friend of mine was actually subscribed to the Congressman’s newsletter,” York said. “In the monthly newsletter it said that he was looking for interns so I thought ‘why not?’. I applied and I actually flew home (from Wentworth) for an interview. After the interview I went back to school and about five days later, I was accepted, so it was all a fairly quick process.”
As an intern in Washington D.C., one may have many responsibilities. These responsibilities include answering phones, writing letters, filing, running errands, and sometimes they may even be asked to assist at press conferences or gather information for Congressional hearings.
York had many responsibilities as an intern and he also had the opportunity of working with many different people in Congressman’s office. York explained who it was that he worked with in the office.
“I worked with basically his whole staff,” York said. “There was his Senior Policy Adviser and he had around three or four other advisers. There was someone called a staff assistant in each office as well. The Congressman himself was in the office probably three or four days a week, so he was there pretty frequently. There’s a wide variety of people working within the office so as you would imagine, the office has many roles to it, many advisers, and kinda get to work with all of them.”
York has always shown an interest in politics. In his high school years, York was columnist for The Feather and wrote a wide variety of articles, many of which were based on political topics. These articles include Occupy protest stretches to Fresno and Brown, Whitman engage in final debate.
Now that school is back in session, York is continuing his collegiate education at Whitworth University, but with a slight twist. He described what it is that he is doing this semester that is so unusual.
“I still go to Whitworth University, although for the fall, I am actually studying abroad,” York said. “I am currently in the Netherlands, about an hour-and-a-half from Amsterdam. I guess you can say I have done a lot of traveling lately.”
If any student wishes to find out more about summer internships and serve as an intern like York, visit Internships.com.
For more features, read Sept. 11 article, Public commemorates 9/11 tragedy (VIDEO).
Follow The Feather via Twitter: @thefeather. This writer can be reached via Twitter: @namoodnhoj.
Lance Henderson • Mar 22, 2012 at 12:04 am
Good job guys; let’s keep on winning and playing hard.
Phillip Belmont • Mar 22, 2012 at 12:04 am
I just want to say how much I appreciate how hard these kids work on reporting about our sports programs. I am a parent of one of the players and it is a joy to read about them online.
Thanks again.
Andrew Hindes • Mar 22, 2012 at 12:04 am
Great job on winning the tournments. You guys work hard and deserve it. Keep working hard.
Tyler Laird • Mar 22, 2012 at 12:04 am
Great job on winning those tournaments!