With The Feather Online expanding its multimedia program during the 2012-2013 school year, two sophomores continue a video series started late last year.
Christopher Grossman and Aaron DeWolf bring a new twist to video entertainment that will present news to the students of FC in a fun and exciting way that will engage their peers and to encourage them to stay online longer.
In the second installment of The Show this year, Chris and Aaron take a few minutes to interview the science and journalism teachers about the newly remodeled labs. They also include their second round of Five Seconds of Dooman: Featuring John Dooman and encourage viewers to leave comments on what they would like Dooman to do.
Once more, the duo ends with their regular interviews with the question: What is a Stobbe?
For the most recent episode of The Show, check out The Show (2012-13) with Grossman and DeWolf: Ep. 1 (VIDEO)