The process of Academic Decathlon (Acadec) preparation and competition is under way. This year’s challenge includes subjects such as classical music, as well as an overview of different kinds of art. Also included in the competition are the traditional subjects of mathematics, economy, and language/literature.
“There is a great variety of subjects that we study,” Molly Sargent, Acadec adviser said. “Every student finds at least one that interests them.”
The team already took the essay part of the competition on January 7. The group joined 20 other schools at Fresno State and was given a prompt to write about either Far from the Madding Crowd or oceanography. Evan Sanders, ’03, was the only one who chose oceanography.
“I think I did well because I was the only person daring enough to choose oceanography,” Sanders said. “The judges will hopefully be impressed.”
Acadec competes with three teams based on grade point averages. There is the honors team, with students who hold a G.P.A. of 3.75 and above; the scholastic team, with a G.P.A. between 3.0 and 3.74; and a varsity team, with G.P.A. of 3.0 or below.
Only three people are allowed to compete in each section. The remaining members can compete in the same material and level as everyone else, but they are not eligible to accept awards.
“I am going for a gold medal in the Super Quiz,” Sanders said.
Edison has traditionally been the top school in Division I. After a 5th place result last year, Sargent is hoping for even greater achievements this year.
“Each year we have improved by great leaps. I am expecting this to happen again this year,” Sargent said. “Our goal is to be in the top three, and I believe we can do it.”
The experience of veterans is expected to help the team succeed.
“After being in Acadec last year, I have learned many things that will help me this year,” Jamie Meadows, ’03, said. “I have studied much harder and paid more attention during class.”
The Acadec team will be competing with other Valley high schools on the Fresno State campus on February 1. For more information on Fresno County’s Academic Decathlon competition, go online at spc_proj/acadec/welcome.html.