President Barack Obama was inaugurated for the second time, starting his second term, Jan. 20. In putting parties aside, it is a moment that all Americans can hold sacred and respect as our leader is put before our nation under oath to serve our nation.
In his inaugural speech, Obama touched on several topics; one being equality. It was a fitting topic being that the Inauguration fell on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, who fought for just that, equality.
In speaking of what makes Americans exceptional is our steadfast allegiance to that most treasured statement in the Declaration of Independence:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Following the speech there has been a media reaction from sources both foreign and abroad. CNN?s Chuck Todd saw the speech of Obama?s declaration that the country is moving toward a more liberal way of thinking.
“The President is basically declaring ideological victory,” Todd said. “Saying, ‘Hey the country made a choice. We?re moving not center right, but center left, with progressive priorities here.'”
In reaction to the speech, many conservatives claim that the speech had outlined what they conceive as Obama?s liberal agenda.
Fox News commentator Dr. Charles Krauthammer saw the speech as declaring a new direction for the country away from the Reagan years.
“This was really Obama unbound . . . Obama?s basically declaring the end of Reaganism in this speech . . . This speech today was an ode to big government. It was a hymn to big government,” Krauthammer said.
In addition to the American media, the Inauguration has attained international attention. Some countries had mixed feelings about Obama?s reelection.
In Mexico, in an El Universal editorial, there was several criticisms with Obama?s foreign policy in dealing with Mexico and immigration.
“It is not exaggerated to say the president owes his election, in great measure, to the Hispanic vote . . . a high figure if you consider that Obama did not only fail to make good on the promise of immigration reform within his first year, but even broke records for deportations,” El Universal said.
From Dubai, the Gulf News advises Obama to not squander his second term.
“The reinstalled President Barack Obama must make a much more decisive commitment to the Middle East if his administration is to achieve anything positive,” Gulf News said. “Obama?s Inauguration speech tonight should include some specific references to action in three areas: Palestine, Iran and Syria.”
The United Kingdom too was heard in a BBC opinion article on the Inauguration.
“For one brief day, a presidential Inauguration may be a celebration of freedom, democracy and of national unity, and in calling upon Americans to ‘seize the moment,’ Obama gave an assertive articulation of the liberal agenda he hopes to implement,” BBC said.
From France, Phillip Crowther, FRANCE 24’s Washington correspondent sees a president?s second Inaugural address as less grandiose.
“Things are less spectacular this time,” Crowther said. “This is a case of reality kicking in as it always tends to be the second time round, when a president knows it?s more a case of getting laws through congress and less about making grand promises.”
For more features, read the Jan. 24 article, Jazz band promotes school spirt, energizes athletes (PODCAST) (VIDEO).