With The Feather Online expanding its multimedia program during the 2012-2013 school year, two sophomores continue a video series started late last year.
Sophomores Christopher Grossman and Aaron DeWolf bring a new twist to video entertainment that will present news to the students of FC in a fun and exciting way that will engage their peers and to encourage them to stay online longer.
To start things off, Grossman and DeWolf add another installment to EXTREME ATHLETES, interviewing players from the girls soccer team.
Next, the hosts banter as Gaby Siqueros returns to the set. Grossman anchors the sports updates and gives a quick rundown of Facebook’s new “graph search”.
As always, John Dooman has a short clip of his random on-campus antics.
The Show wraps up with an interview for Valentine’s Day and the observation that the table is without decoration for the first time in The Show’s history.
The editors surprise viewers with a quick music video montage after the credits.
For more information, see FC Underground 2012-13, No. 24 (VIDEO).