Tossing flags and practicing routine after routine appears to have paid off as the campus winterguard team placed first in the San Joaquin Valley Colorguard and Percussion Review at Clovis East on Feb. 21. This is the first time a campus winterguard team has won a major competition.
After beginning the season with one ninth-place finish in the first of four competitions, the winterguard team was floored to achieve first place out of 12 schools.
“When they got into the trophy range we thought they skipped us,” Jessica Enns, ’04, said. “We almost didn’t perform but we worked hard all week and were shocked when we got first place.”
A common obstacle to campus competitive activities, colorguard contends with schools significantly larger than theirs.
“We are in Division A but we still compete with really big schools such as Clovis West and Washington Union,” Amanda Quist, ’04, said. “Out of all of the divisions only two schools are in the World Division which is the most difficult.”
The struggled beginning of the team actually worked out for the better in the long run by placing them in a less bloodthirsty division.
“We placed ninth in our first competition because we only knew half of our routine,” Crystal Stallings, ’04, said. “That put us in a division that gave us better chances in the rest of our competitions.”
The team may not get everything when they first are taught but through practice they become the best they can be.
“People think colorguard is easy, but it isn’t it takes talent and skill,” Rachel Jacobsen, ’04, said. “You also have to be in shape. It is just like a sport we have practice and competition.”
In past competitions the winter guard team has also struggled through many injuries and team issues.
“Obstacles that we go through are: bruises, bumps, injured wrists, a few fights, and trying to be the best,” Quist said. “Most of our team has gotten every kind of injury and mostly every body part has been hurt.”
Winterguard will next compete at Clovis High on Mar. 7 and Clovis West on Mar. 28. For more information, call the office at 297-9464, ext. 128.