With The Feather Online expanding its multimedia program during the 2012-2013 school year, two sophomores continue a video series started late last year.
Sophomores Christopher Grossman and Aaron DeWolf bring a new twist to video entertainment that will present news to the students of FC in a fun and exciting way that will engage their peers and to encourage them to stay online longer.
The duo discuss Fresno Christian’s annual formal – Night of the Stars – and interview students about their plans, dates, and expectations.
Amidst all the NOTS craziness, we see John Dooman ask a special someone to be his date on the formal evening.
Grossman and Aaron move onto interviews of themselves conducted by Dooman about the basketball season and how the varsity squad is shaping up.
Also, the trio of sophomores introduce another member of the cast: Gaby Siqueros, who hosts while Grossman is working on the sports and weather segments.
For more information, see FC Underground 2012-13, No. 24 (VIDEO).
Michael Ogdon • Feb 8, 2013 at 12:03 am
Choir rocked the Word. 80 strong standing firm.