The Feather regrets to inform its readers that on Tuesday, Sept. 9, campus alumna, teacher and coach Ericlee Gilmore (40) passed away due to malignant melanoma.
He is survived by his wife, Dorina Lazo Gilmore, and daughters, Meilani Gilmore, 8, Giada Gilmore, 5, and Zayla Gilmore, 2.
Mr. Gilmore was involved in many activities at FC including choir, Student Leadership, AP Calculus, as well as playing on the varsity basketball, football and track teams before graduating in 1992.
After high school, Mr. Gilmore got his bachelor degree at Linfield College in 1996 and went on to complete his masters in Kinesiology at Fresno State in 2000.
He started working at FC as a math, science and PE teacher from 2000 through 2009. After a short absence from FC, the alumna returned last year to teach video productions and came back as a PE teacher. Along with teaching, he worked as head track and field, head cross country and assistant basketball coach.
During his absence on the campus, Mr. Gilmore worked as director of Christian Friendship Ministries, which lead him in the ministry field. Some of this time was spent in Haiti while he evangelized to the people and was immersed into the culture.
Mr. Ericlee Gilmore went to be with the Lord this morning. Mr. Gilmore was a staff member and Alumna of FCS. Please be praying for his family and those who loved him. –Jeremy Brown, Superintendent
The Feather staff offers its condolences to the Gilmore family and all families affected in their passing. The Feather also encourages readers to leave messages for the family through the comments
Superintendent Jeremy Brown presented the FC community with information on behalf of the Gilmore family. Even though Brown did not know Mr. Gilmore, he offers condolences to those who did.
“This morning at 8:35 a.m. Ericlee Gilmore went to be with the Lord,” Brown said. “I know only by reputation that he ran the race well.”
The student body was presented the news during advisory around 12 p.m. Students were then given the opportunity to be excused to the PC Student Ministries Building to to process the news.
Brown encourages the campus to pray for the family and those who were close to him during these hard times.
“Mr. Ericlee Gilmore went to be with the Lord this morning,” Brown said. “Mr. Gilmore was a staff member and Alumna of FCS. Please be praying for his family and those who loved him.”
The service is being planned to run at 11 a.m., Sept, 13. Check back later for updates and more information.
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For more new, read the Sept. 9 article Student Leadership: Practices communication.