The FC music department instrumental groups annually perform at the campus to provide live music for the school community. This year the concert will be held in the Ground Zero building at the school from 7 p.m.-8 p.m., April 15.
Led by Music Director Michael Ogdon, groups including the jazz band, elementary band, and high school band and percussion will be performing at the concert. The rehearsals for these groups will begin an hour prior to the stage performance.
Admission to the concert is free and open to everyone. Especially for Ogdon and the groups performing, a large audience is much appreciated.
This is Ogdon’s fourth year teaching on the campus. Due to his past experience with numerous concerts, he looks forward to this performance.
“We will be presenting music that was played at recent festival performances and some new selections as well,” Ogdon said. “This is our opportunity to showcase our various instrumental groups and each one has worked hard to prepare for our Annual Instrumental Department Concert.”
For Eric Cowin, ’14, guitarist for the jazz band and percussion, this is his third year in musical involvment. From practices and numerous experiences he stays positive about the concert.
“I am excited for the concert because our musical groups just won sweepstakes at the Heritage Festival in San Diego, and I want to show everybody that we are worthy of such an award,” Cowin said. “In order to prepare for the concert I have to practice often before I play so that I can perform to the best of my ability.”
Concert Schedule
Jazz band- 7:05 p.m.
Elementary – 7:15 p.m.
High School Band – 7:25 p.m.
Percussion – 7:35 p.m.
Jazz band – 7:45 p.m.
For more information, contact Ogdon by calling 559.287.4226 or by email.
For more news, read the April 12 article, ‘Spring Bulk Blitz’ provides cheaper spirit wear, new designs.