Annual FC college information night will be held in the Jackie Johnson room at 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m., Sept. 29. College information night will serve as an communication hub for parents, high school student and even junior high students.
Michelle Warkentin will present information necessary for the entire college application process.
“This meeting I geared toward high school students and their parents,? Warkentin said. “However, junior high students and parents are also welcome to attend. It is never too early to start the college planning process!”
Warkentin shares her plans for the upcoming college information night and how it will prepare students for applying for college.
“Tonight I will be talking about colleges, admission requirements, tuition, financial aid, scholarships, and anything else related to college,” Warkentin said. “It will be a good overview for students and parents who want to learn more about the process and what they can expect. I will address websites such as www.csumentor.edu, www.ucop.edu, www.scccd.edu, www.commonapp.org and many more.”
Amy Deffenbacher, Dean of Students, also strongly encourages all high school to attend because there will be a lot of information about how to get our students from here to college.
“Mrs. {Michelle} Warkentin will be sharing information about the variety of colleges available for students,” Deffenbacher said. “The graduation requirements to meet the standards of each of those schools, different kinds of application processes and the application of financial aids.”
Senior Adam Khouzam, believes college information night is a good idea for getting news across to students.
“I think it will be a good experience for people like me who are not sure about where to go for college,” Khouzam said. “It is good chance for us to see and maybe open up to some of the good programs.”
Senior Brittany Lewis, does not want to attend because she has already decide on her college choice.
“Well I?m not going because I already know which college I want to go to,” Lewis said. “I don?t need any more information.”
Follow The Feather via Twitter: @thefeather. This writer can be reached via Twitter: @MojunPan.
For more news, read the Sept. 26 article, BRIEF: Small town fair hosts campus band.