In addition to learning public speaking, leadership learned how to introduce a famous people they were not too familiar with. Hannah Nale, ’17, had Marilyn vos Savant as her speaker. Nale says this situation will help her become a better speaker in general.
“In the future this will help me by elaborating quicker,” Nale said. “I’m comfortable with public speaking, but this will help my skills greatly. This prepares me for interviews for jobs and presenting myself and speaking in college.”
The FC volleyball team will be playing at home against Sierra High School, Sept. 9. JV will play at 5 p.m. and Varsity at 6 p.m. Come support our Lady Eagles in the FC gym!
Varsity football will be playing against Anzar High School, Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. After the game will be fifth quarter, location to be announced. Girls tennis will be playing Dos Palos High School at Dos Palos, Sept. 9 at 4 p.m.
The first board meeting for the leadership students will be Sept. 15 at lunch. Leadership advisor Vickey Belmont, plans on increasing responsibility within leadership students and teaching them about their actions and reactions and how they affect other students.
“The responsibilities are to oversee certain aspects of the leadership class, to delegate and see that the follow through is completed.” Belmont said. “We’re going to talk about how this all plays out and then we will explain it to them.”
Homecoming will be held on Oct. 31 and nomination day will be on Oct. 2; students are required to find a location and trailer to build their homecoming floats on. Donations for sites and trailors will be needed as well.
Leadership will be selling Pacifica Pizza on Sept. 19.
For more announcements, read the Sept. 3 article, Student Leadership: Plans a new week
Follow The Feather via Twitter @thefeather, Instagram @thefeatheronline and Facebook @thefeatheronline.Also follow Leadership via Instagram: @fcleadership_, Twitter: @vbelmont3. This writer can be reached via Twitter: @sbbelmont98.