The past thirteen years that I have spent at Fresno Christian have been an absolute blessing. This school has provided me with a second home and a second family. Not only have I made life long Christ-centered friendships with students, but I have also developed deep relationships with teachers that I know will last for years to come.
I would have never thought that I, the shy girl who would not let go of her mom?s leg as she entered Mrs. Witters? kindergarten classroom, would be able to be thriving and participating in so many areas by the time she reached high school.
You hear seniors tell underclassmen all the time to ?get involved?, which is what I wanted to do. That was my best decision. Being in leadership for all four years, varsity cheer for four years, basketball for two years, numerous clubs and, of course, journalism made for a very busy – yet extremely fulfilling – four years of high school.
Being involved in a wide range of activities taught me a lot about myself. I learned how to be a better leader, how to step outside of my comfort zone, and how to work on a team. I have gained many lifelong friendships with people whom I least expected to befriend. I would not have had the same high school experience had I not tried new things. I also got to see many different sides to the school and get to know people involved in all areas.
This school not only taught me academics, but has taught me the importance of community and surrounding others in love. I have learned how to manage change and overcome adversity in my life through the love and prayers of the people placed around me.
I have been provided with many role models and great examples of faith and service. Knowing that my teachers genuinely care about my well-being and walk with the Lord is something that makes me feel comforted while I am at school. Seeing their examples has taught me what really should take the biggest priority in my life: to always do my best and to be intentional with people.
I feel so blessed to call myself a lifer at Fresno Christian. I love this school and I cannot imagine my school experience anywhere else. To all current students: take advantage of the things this school has to offer and never take it for granted. We have an amazing community here at FC. Never forget that or let anyone change that.
Fresno Christian has primed me for the future in more ways than simply preparing me for college. It has shown me how to love learning and to be a thinker rather than only just a product of learning. It has also prepared me by building my foundation in my faith and taught me to love the Lord and to love others.
I am graduating ready to serve the Lord wherever he calls me, despite my own plans, by the examples people have shown me. I am grateful to the Lord for giving me the opportunity to live in and love this community called Fresno Christian School.
This writer can be reached via Twitter: @raynajenelle. Follow The Feather via Twitter: @thefeather.
For more senior reflections, read the May 19 article, Senior gets involved, gains campus family