The story flips back and forth between the present and 20 years in the past. In high school, Dawson is a shy boy with a great personality was born into a bad family. Amanda is a wealthy girl with a good family. They both lived in a small southern town growing up. The two fall in love during high school, and of course, Amanda?s father (Jon Tenney) does not approve.
They go their separate ways, and reunite at the funeral of a mutual friend. At the time, Amanda is married, but is miserable. They soon split, and Dawson is right there to sweep her off her feet. The two get married and live happily ever after.
This movie was way off when it comes to how things play out in real life. Yes, people reunite after many years, but what are the odds that they end up married? Amanda was already married, and how convenient that she was unhappy with the relationship.
Even though the plot is ridiculous, the movie has some great actors. James Mardsen plays Dawson Cole, and Amanda Collier is played by Michelle Monaghan. Luke Bracey, a young Australian actor, plays the younger version of Mardsen?s character. I feel the movie was made better due to the actors.
I wish the story had been told in a less cliche way. Overall, I do not recommend this movie. The whole storyline was predictable and too sappy for my taste. As I said, the same story has been told in many different ways.
This writer can be reached via Twitter: @katiejacobson44.
For more reviews, read the Oct. 28 article, Horror fest terrifies, leaves lasting impression.