To those who are patient and respect the process of reputable journalism, the benefits could almost be endless. Even on the surface the skills this class teaches is incredibly useful, and on a deeper level journalism can expand one’s perspective.
Producing articles results in better writing skills, conducting interviews improves basic conversation skills, and working with media and social media is now necessary in most colleges and businesses. Even on the most basic surface journalism is still useful for equipping people for the real world.
On a deeper level this class still has much to offer. It can expand one’s limited perspectives; publications classes require reporters or guest writers to visit places and talk to people they otherwise would never know.
The opportunity to get outside my comfort zone, to interview people, to observe, and to learn from others is a lifeskill. For me, it expands my horizons and opened doors I did not think could be opened. Journalism enriches my high school career in ways other classes have not done yet.
More specifically, The Feather shows me things I did not think I would see and helps me build relationships with people I will remember for a long time. The people on The Feather staff teach me how to think for myself, to articulate my opinions, and to look at all perspectives of a topic to find the whole truth. These are gifts one cannot put a monetary value on.
So to those who have an opinion they want to share, to those who want to report the truth, to those who want to express themselves to the world, come join with journalists this Scholastic Journalism Week. Come and celebrate our right to freedom of speech, come and celebrate the ability to express ourselves, and come and celebrate the journalists for embodying this liberty.
Follow The Feather via Twitter @thefeather, Instagram @thefeatheronline and Facebook @thefeatheronline.This writer can be reached via Twitter: @RRoggenstein.
For more opinions, read the Feb. 22 article, COLLEGE CORNER: College Placement Tests.