Attempting to avoid a sea of green chaos, adviser Greg Stobbe suggested the team spend most of their day in Little Italy and Soho, eating and shopping. The staff departed Hotel Edison at 8:15 a.m. and made their way to the nearest subway station before the parades and celebrators crowded Times Square.
Not eating before their departure, the staff insisted that the first thing they do in Little Italy was get breakfast before treading onward to shopping. Heading the cries of his people, Stobbe led his staff to Ferrara: an Italian bakery and cafe with a wide range of different kinds of food options. Though breakfast meats were available, many of the students opted for the pastries.
After finishing breakfast the female staffers abandoned their male counterparts to get an early start on their shopping, leaving the men behind in the cafe in favor of rushing to Soho and all its stores had to offer. Their shopping spree was short lived, however, as a couple of the girls fell ill and left Soho early to get back to the comfort of their hotel rooms.
Though the women were down for the count, the men endured through the elements and their check balances. Before impending bankruptcy set itself upon them, Stobbe intervened and called the men to Il Palazzo where they enjoyed an authentic Italian lunch. The boys left for the hotel at 2 p.m. and arrived at around 2:30 p.m.
Having about five hours of rest time before the first play of the New York trip, students took full advantage of this opportunity to get much needed shut eye. Many of the students stayed awake from Monday morning to Tuesday afternoon without sleep, easily achieving an “all-nighter.”
After the five-hour nap, the students woke from their dens and began preparing for the first play of many on their trip. Upon departing the hotel 7:10 p.m. everyone soon felt the nose numbing wind that New York had to offer. Racing from the subways and the streets the team eventually made their way to the first play, The King and I, which began 8 p.m. and ended at 11 p.m.
Once the play ended, hunger soon plagued the students again. They left the theatre and moved to the subways to get back to Times Square. Upon arriving, the team immediately spotted an Applebees and moved like predatory animals towards this beacon. Once they finished their food everyone departed for the hotel and arrived at 12:30 a.m.
Most of the Feather staff went to their rooms and prepared the next day for the journalism conference at Columbia University.
This writer can be reached via Twitter: @RRoggenstein.
For more about The Feather in NY, read the March 16 article, FC hits NY: Day 1 (Slideshow, Video).