Breaking with tradition, the varsity verses the faculty basketball game returns to campus as an opportunity for students to see their teachers sweat and face a very real physical foe.
Volunteers from both boys? and girls? varsity teams take on the undefeated teachers in a battle of the baskets. The teachers have never lost a game despite some close calls, the age gap and fitness level.
In past years the game was played in order to raise money for the senior scholarship fund. However, in the last couple of years the game did not raise enough money to fund the scholarship. Teacher donations exceeded gate revenue so the game is now a free event.
?It started out as a fundraiser for a scholarship for the seniors,? Principal Gary Schultz said, ?but a couple years ago the game only raised $200. However, the teachers donated about $1500 of their own money. Since the teachers were so willing to donate the money for the scholarships and the game was making so little, we decided to stop charging for the game.?
The Booster Club organized the game as fun event 21 years ago and it was played at West Coast Christian College, before it was moved to the campus gym.
?The game has been played ever since I?ve been around,? Scott Callisch, sports director, said. ?I think it was started the year before I came.?
Before game donations fizzled, Principal Schultz was a tour de force with every shot. Often his presence changed the total amount the game raised.
?I remember one game people would donate money for every shot I made,? Schultz said. ?This game I think each shot I made was worth $200. I probably won?t play this game? maybe stand at one end of the court and have them pass me the ball to make a shot.?
This year?s game will take place in the old gym [Peoples Church] on May 2 at 11:15 A.M. as the first event of Spirit Week.
For more information on Spirit Week, read the announcements online at