With education and a little fun in mind, campus students departed on their trip to Southern California, Nov. 15-17. CSF members, A.P English students, and the Academic Decathlon team toured L.A.’s museums, colleges, beaches, and downtown Disney.
Students agree the trip was fun as well as a learning experience.
“We mainly visited colleges,” Karen Tolladay, ’05, said. “I got a better idea of what college to attend.”
Students spent Saturday and Sunday nights at the Embassy Suites Irvine and returned to Fresno Monday night.
“At first only Academic Decathlon planned on going, and then CSF and A.P. English wanted to go,” Alyssia Villalpando, ’04, said. “I went to learn about art for Acadec.”
After touring the Getty Museum on Saturday, students spent a day of relaxation at the beach and downtown Disney before touring U.C. Irvine and Biola on Monday.
“I went because it was nice to get out of town and spend a weekend with friends,” John Stevenson, ’04, said. “I liked having free time to spend at the beach or just hanging out.”
Administrators agree the trip was a great experience.
“It was a good opportunity to see what it’s like at a big university,” Jon Endicott, vice principal, said. “For me, visiting the colleges was the most fun. Being able to see where our students might be going next was great.”
For more information about the southern California trip contact the high school office at 299-1695 ext. 150.