Rolling out of bed, the aching body of Nate King, ’05, consistently tightened as he coughed until he was red in the face. Debating whether or not to attend school, his mother came in and checked his temperature which clocked out at 101.3 degrees. She decided he needed to stay home and rest. Many cases such as King’s have erupted across the state.
“This year is the worst flu season in the San Joaquin Valley; it has resulted in more deaths this year than ever before,” Dr. Katayoon Shinfar, pediatrician, said. “The main reason for these outbreaks is people in close contact with others around them and using eachother’s personal belongings. These sorts of actions can lead to the spread of the highly contagious flu bug.”
Although there have not been any deaths on campus, many students have been infected with the flu.
“Right after Powder Puff I came down with the flu,” King said. “It was horrible; I got it weeks ago and I am still recovering from it.”
According to Dr. Shinfar, a main reason people get the flu is by sharing drinks and not washing their hands often enough. When this virus gets into a person’s system, it is hard to overcome and is sometimes fatal
According to an article in The Fresno Bee, “Flu bug strikes Valley hard,” published Dec. 18, a two-month-old Hanford baby and a seven-year-old Bakersfield boy died from the flu in December alone. At least three-dozen children in the nation have died from the flu or flu related complications this year.
The flu is so prevalent that hospitals have begun to provide facial masks for waiting patients.
“When I got the flu my mom took me to the doctor,” Kacie Filgas, ’05, said. “They made me wear a mask and it was very intimidating. I am very glad that it was not as severe as others, but I am still recovering from it.”
The Department of Health and Human Services and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] recommends five habits to prevent getting the flu: avoid close contact with people who are sick; stay home when sick; cover your mouth and nose; clean and wash hands often; and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth to stop spreading germs.
The CDC recommends that children under two years and adults over 65 be vaccinated to prevent getting the flu. Students should contact their doctor in order to schedule to determine whether they need a shot.
People with health problems, such as asthma and diabetes, are also likely to suffer complications of the flu and should see a doctor as soon as flu symptoms appear.
For a downloadable file determining whether systems are a cold or the flu, go to the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease’s web site at The CDC can be reached online at