Despite this campus’s dancing inhibitions, a school-sponsored Sadie Hawkins has been successfully celebrated since the early 80s. Sadie Hawkins is traditionally a dance where the tables are turned, and the girls have an opportunity to ask the guys.
“Last year’s Sadie’s was by far my favorite,” Michelle Nachtigall, ’04, said. “The square dance involved everyone there; it was more of a group event than a one-on-one date.”
Behind the fun and joy of Sadie’s, however, are hard working student leaders. Last year student leadership spent two weekends in preparation of their barnyard dance.
“Last year’s Sadie’s was the best one yet because we put in more work than ever before,” John Stevenson, ’04, said. “We carried so many hay bales our arms were pure red, and it took hours to move all the wood for the bonfire.”
According to leadership adviser Eunie McEntee, coming up with new ideas for Sadie’s can often be a slow and frustrating process. This year leadership is asking for student input.
“We’ve received lots of ideas such as barbeques, ice skating, bowling, etc. but we still need more,” McEntee said. “We want ideas from all the classes.”
Student representatives look to this years’ event with high hopes, but many feel that the costs may be equally high.
“It’s all about Sadie’s at Santa Cruz,” Micah Walker, ’05, said. “We’ve done everything there is to do for Sadie’s in Fresno, so we want to go to the beach. But, unless we get some sponsors the tickets will be $30 for each person.”
Sadie Hawkins is now scheduled for April 17, but the leadership class still does not know the venue or the theme.
To submit an idea or find more information concerning Sadie’s, student leadership will entertain any questions or comments through McEntee’s box in the office.