On March 29, 2015, while extinguishing a house fire, Capt. Pete Dern fell through the roof of the garage and was engulfed in flames. Despite being rescued quickly, Dern sustained second and third degree burns on 65% of his body. Though originally doubtful of his ability to recover, doctors have been amazed by his determination and resilience.
Pete Martinez, a P.I.O. or Public Information Officer for the Fresno Fire Department considers Dern a close friend. Dern’s journey has been inspiring for Martinez to watch. He hopes everyone can learn something from Dern’s story.
“Everyone at Fresno Fire is a close friend of Dern’s,” Martinez said. “We are all very excited about his homecoming. It’s been amazing watching him make such incredible progress. Dern is very strongly driven, and hasn’t let anything hold him back. While Dern’s release is a public event to thank everyone, Dern himself really just wants to finally go home.”
Dern’s story has not only been heard on a local level, but also on an international one in the fire fighting community. Koby Johns, a recently promoted Captain for Fresno Fire (and brother of Feather photo adviser Kori Friesen) says he has heard from a family member who lives in Denmark, who also happens to be a firefighter, that every fire station he has been inside has Dern’s photo and story posted on the walls. Johns served along side Dern for many years, and says this tragedy has hit very close to home.
“When you work alongside other firemen for years, you become far more than just friends with them,” Johns said. “Working 48 hour shifts with guys you really get to know each other. And not just as friends, you start to learn things about guys that only their families know. You truly become like brothers. However, we as firemen can take comfort in knowing that his story will not be forgotten. He will be remembered here as well as around the world for his bravery.”
The people of Fresno join with Captain Dern’s family, friends, and supporters around the nation in celebrating his release from the hospital. We are grateful for the many who have supported Captain Dern and his family through this time and are especially appreciative of the expert and dedicated team at the Community Regional Burn Center for all of their efforts. — Mayor Ashley Swearengin
Johns says that Dern was an exemplary fireman. He was constantly training and becoming prepared for every scenario. Johns says now that he has been promoted to Captain, there are many lessons he learned from Dern that he will use.
“Pete (Dern) was just about the best captain anyone could ask for,” Johns said. “He led by example. He would never tell anyone to do anything that he wasn’t willing to do himself. Before becoming a fireman Pete was also in the Army. He was a very smart man and extremely knowledgeable about fighting fires. What happened when he fell through the roof was an accident. There’s no way to prepare for something like that. That could have been any one of me or my men. However he didn’t let unfortunate circumstances get the better of him. I hope that I can be the kind of Captain Pete was.”
He summed up his gratitude in a speech for all those who helped in his recovery. In it he thanked Community Regional Medical Center’s Burn Unit for all their hard work and care, his friends and fellow firemen for their gifts and prayers, as well as his wife and daughter for being by his side all along the way. Pete also acknowledged that there are countless people he didn’t have the chance to thank, but who he was very grateful for.
In a statement made to KMPH news, Fresno mayor Ashley Swearengin said, “The people of Fresno join with Captain Dern’s family, friends, and supporters around the nation in celebrating his release from the hospital. We are grateful for the many who have supported Captain Dern and his family through this time and are especially appreciative of the expert and dedicated team at the Community Regional Burn Center for all of their efforts. We know there is still a long journey ahead, but are thankful to see Captain Dern’s progress to this point.”
While the community is very excited to see Dern recover so quickly, no one was more excited for his homecoming than the man himself.
Dictionary.com defines a ‘hero’ as, “a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.” Fresno Fire Captain Pete Dern has forever earned his title as a hero among his friends and colleagues.
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This writer can be reached via Twitter: @JustinHFeather and via email: Justin Houts.