Birds twitter, trees blossom and flowers peek out of the ground as harsh winter weather gives way to the fair breezes and sunny skies of spring.
Mailboxes burst with catalogs advertising flirty pastels and vibrant fashions, as dreams of summer fill the minds of students everywhere.
As a result, the allure of lightweight, skin-baring clothes often triumphs over the guidelines of the campus dress code.
“Someday nearly every student will have to abide by a dress code at their work place,” Molly Sargent, dean of women, said. “I suppose learning to accept its reality now is better than trying to adjust to it later.”
Students on campus are often faced with dilemmas in the dress code department, and occasionally, the code rules are difficult for students to agree or adhere to.
“The school’s goal is to simplify the dress code,” Sargent said. “This way everyone, faculty and students alike, are clear to its requirements.”
The metamorphosis in fashion trends fluctuates with the changing of seasons, but not all student attitudes are hostile toward dress code regulations.
“I do not have that big of a problem with the dress code,” Michelle Nachtigall, ’06, said. “I do wish that we could wear flip flops and then my dress code dreams would be fulfilled.”
During spring the heavy dark clothes get shoved into the back of the closet for the summer. While all the bright, flamboyant clothes are brought to the surface for another trendy season, choices are made each morning, which may affect a student’s attendance in class.
“I love spring because the clothes are so much more trendy, and the search among the clothing racks for new hot styles is half the fun of spring,” Kim Bimat, ’06, said. “The only problem with this season is that there are a lot more regulations on the dress code, and it is often hard to turn down adorable outfits in an attempt to stay out of trouble.”
While the spring dress code is still in its revision stage, administration will publicize, via the daily announcements, any changes that may affect student handbook’s rules. The Feather will also post any changes through its daily announcements as well.
For any questions or information about the topic of campus spring dress code and regulations, contact Sargent in room 622 or at 297-9464, ext. 150.