Student leadership is taking a more active role in promoting student involvement throughout this new school year. Return to read about how FC students are actively learning, serving and promoting the events on and off campus in this article series.
Greetings from FC; we are celebrating “Homecoming around the world!” FC is celebrating its 31st homecoming, Oct. 13-16. Student leadership will post starting Oct. 9 the upcoming schedule.
There will be no school on Oct. 12 which shortens the span of the dress-up days.
- Oct. 13, Tourist Tuesday, where students can dress up as tourists for the day. Dress code still applies.
- Oct. 14, World Sports Wednesday, the title is self explanatory, students wear any sports attire. Other high school sports attire is not allowed.
- Oct. 15, Jet Lag Thursday, is pajama day, dress code still applies.
- Oct. 16, Spirit Wear Friday, the way the spirit wear is going to go will be a little different. Freshmen will wear silver or grey, sophomores will wear maroon, juniors wear white and seniors are to wear black.
Throughout the week there will be princess pageants at lunch so come cheer on the class princesses in the PC gym, Oct. 13-14. Each princess will have a notice on what to wear to each pageant, for more information contact Robert Foshee.
For the kings and the queens, the pageant will be combined in a very exciting and new way, Oct. 15. The event will be held in the Student Ministry Center (SMC) after second period. More detail to be announced.
The football team will be playing away Oct. 9 against Kings Christian, Oct. 9. The team will be playing against Faith Christian on homecoming night. Come support your Eagles and see the class floats. Both games start at 7 p.m.
Student leadership is helping in charity foundations and this month the class will be doing Socktober for the Poverello House in town. Each class is welcomed to bring in plastic bags full of socks and put them in the class bins. Whoever has the most socks brought in will win a prize.
FC Choir will be working the food stands at the homecoming football game and singing the National Anthem, Oct. 16. They will also be singing at First Presbyterian church at the 8 a.m. service and at the 11 a.m., Oct. 18.
The Big Fresno Fair opened Oct. 7 and will be closing Oct. 18 and a Fresno tradition since 1884. The event is the largest central valley fair.

Sydney Belmont, ’17, an independent art student who entered a watercolor tulip painting in the Big Fresno Fair discusses her experience with art competitions.
“I was inspired to paint this piece by watching a video on the internet, the first time I entered it in any show was the Congressional show.” Belmont said. “I usually enter my pieces into shows but I don’t always get an award or noticed.”
Belmont’s art was noticed by Allard’s, an art store in Fresno, and was requested to have the art put into the store on Oct. 20 through December.
The Lady Eagles have a home volleyball game Oct. 8 against Parlier in the FC gym at 5:30 p.m.
For more information on homecoming contact Vickey Belmont or Robert Foshee.
Follow Student leadership via Twitter @vbelmont3, Instagram @fcleadership_.
Follow this writer via Twitter: @sbbelmont98 or via email: Sydney Belmont.