Dear editor,
I liked the way Ashley Cook recognized Michelle Smith’s achievements and great qualities in the May 11 article, “”Athletics, academics, character recognized.””
I got to know Michelle through soccer and learned that she is a real fighter. During practices, Michelle always had a positive or funny thing to say that would turn someone’s frown into a smile. Michelle always knew how to brighten someone’s day.
I agree with Hillary Kell’s statement, “”With a leader like Michelle on the team you can only go up. With all the hard work she puts in she definitely deserves this award.””
Michelle was a great example to the other girls and myself on the soccer field. She would barely be able to walk, but still would keep fighting her way through until the whistle was blown at the end of the game.
Even off the soccer field, Michelle is the sweetest person you can find. She will always encourage you and find the bright side of things. Michelle definitely deserved this award.