Elizabethian lovers booked the weekend for the 32 Annual Renaissance Festival put on by Fresno’s St. Paul Newman’s Center and held on their property across Bulldog Stadium on Barstow near Cedar. This day is put together for young and old to enter into a day of medieval times and runs Oct. 27-28 from 10-5:30 p.m.
Yarn making, knives, hats, puppet shows, toys and food kept fair-goers at this event and helped give an atmosphere of a market. The entertainment was free, yet a wide variety of foods put money in the church coffers.
“I loved to see what all the characters were wearing,” Rojani Elek, ?04, said.
Volunteers come from the church and others from around Fresno get involved.
World history teacher, Greg Page, required his student to attend this event as part of their grade.
“I think the festival is good,” Page, said, “people dress authentic and they seem knowledgeable about the time frame. I started making my class go four years ago.”
Students forced to attend an historical reenactment of the medieval times have a requirement of interviewing three people and asking them about their duties.
Students walked through the fair trying to find something of their interest while hoping to get an A on their assignment.
“I think it was neat that everyone was dress up and ready to be their person,” Suyen Milian, ’05, said.
Even though the students might dreaded missing some of their free time, classmates tried to make it a fun assignment.
“I met up with some friends,” Mandi Estes, ’05, said, “so it wasn’t be so bad. It also gave us a chance to know and learn more information about the Renaissance Fair.”
For more information on this year’s event or for information for next year, contact St. Paul Newman Center at (559) 436-3434 or visit www.fresno.com and type ?Fresno renaissance festival’.