Last year, around 45 students and five teachers woke up early and went to the campus’ flag pole to pray for what God laid on their hearts.
“It is a time to gather around the flag pole to pray for our school and then for our nation,” Ericlee Gilmore, math teacher, said. “It also gives us a better picture of what it means to pray for one another.
See You at the Pole s a nation-wide event where students and teachers meet at their campus’ flagpole to pray. The event was held on Sept. 15 at 7 A.M in the courtyard near Ground Zero with over 100 students participating.
See You at the Pole has been a public school event since 1990 and was inspired by a group of students in Burleston, Texas. They got together and prayed at their campus’ flag poles.
“It is cool seeing all the people praying,” Taryn Brown, ’08, said. “Especially when the people hold hands with each other.”
Every September students get up early with other students and pray at their campus’ flagpole without parental or teacher leadership.
“It’s an awesome experience; it’s student lead and students gather around their campus’ flag pole,” Chapman Hutchins, ’06, said. “They pray for their country’s leaders and that they will make a difference in their world.”
The purpose of See You at the Pole is to bring millions of students together to start a revival on their campuses. The motto for this year is “Ascend. Clean hands. Pure heart” which ties into the theme verse:
“Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart? (Psalm 24:3-4)”
For more information on See You at the Pole, visit or contact Gilmore at 299-1695, ext. 140. Gilmore can also be e-mailed at [email protected].” “FC file photo” “Nation-wide students will pray at their flag poles on Sept. 15. See You at the Pole began as a grass roots student organization in 1990.” “” “” “See You at the Pole